
The easy, fast and healthy way to permanent weight loss.

Weight loss - The easy, healthy, fast and permanent way.
You have to face it the right way. Make it your lifestyle!

Weight loss - The easy, healthy, fast and permanent way.  

Why 95% of All Diets Fail. 
You may have heard this alarming statistic before.
95% of all diets fail. This statistic has been published all over the Internet and used by health care professionals for years because it’s true. I didn’t make it up. Let’s look at just a few numbers. Statistics show that about 40,000 people per year reach their weight loss goal. But when you consider programs like Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, NutriSystem and The Zone have millions of people who participate in their programs, that number is mighty insignificant and downright discouraging. Only 40,000 people out of millions reach their weight loss goal!
Therein lies the problem. Diets are doomed to fail right from the start because most people view diets as a short term solution, something they can follow for a set period of time to get the desired results and then just stop. Sure, anyone can be motivated to follow a diet plan for a few weeks or even a few months. But unless it’s a diet plan they can follow for life, they’re doomed to fail.
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Weight loss eating 50% more calories.
When most people think of dieting, they think of deprivation, being deprived of the foods they enjoy or not being able to eat enough to feel satisfied. Nothing could be further from the truth. The key to losing weight and keeping it off for life is to find the foods you enjoy that are also healthy diet foods and incorporate them into your diet as much as possible.
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The top 12 foods that help you lose weight.
These foods are so important because they give you the most bang for your buck. They are so high in nutritional properties and low in calories, that eating them is almost like eating negative calories. Including them in your diet regularly will insure not only that you will lose weight, but that you’ll get the proper nutrition you need while you’re trying to lose weight.  
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Weight Loss with Negatine calorie food.
A negative calorie food has several benefits. It allows you to eat more and feel satisfied without feeling like you need to run an extra mile to burn off your dinner. What’s more is that the amount of energy your body burns trying to digest the food will continue long after you’ve eaten it. 

Eat plenty of “good” fat. 
The first thing people tend to think about cutting from their diets when they decide to lose weight is fat. It’s true that most Americans eat way too much fat for their bodies to handle. That fat contributes not only to weight gain, but other health issues that are detrimental. There are two types of fats that are good for you: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.
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Pay Attention to What You Eat.Everything you put in your mouth has calories. Most people make the mistake of only writing down the foods they eat during a planned meal. They may also write down a small snack. But they forget
about the cream they put in their coffee, a spoonful of ice cream they snuck when doling out dessert,

a few crackers they popped in her mouth because they suddenly had a sugar craving.

Quit Making Excuses.
You probably have a barrel full of excuses that you pull out every time you talk about why you haven’t
lost the weight you want to lose. It could be anything from a sluggish thyroid to faulty genetics to just
not having enough time to think about weight loss.
I’m here to tell you to knock it off! The only way you will lose weight and keep it off is stop making
excuses for why you’re not succeeding. I’m not saying that any of those excuses aren’t valid. Many are.

How to Lose Weight Safely.
Weight loss isn't easy. Lots of people are unhappy with their present weight, but most aren't sure how to change it . Many would be better off staying where they are. You may want to look like the models or actors in magazines and on TV, but those goals might not be healthy or realistic for you. Besides, no magical diet or pill will make you look like someone else. You have to face it the right way. Make it your lifestyle! 



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